Substance Use Treatment

For more information about receiving services, please call our toll-free number: 1-888-828-5709

The Thresholds Substance Use Treatment Program empowers individuals to clarify personal values and life goals, gain knowledge and support, and practice skills needed to build hopeful and healthier futures.

Our philosophy of care is guided by several key principles:

  • We meet clients where they are and respect them as the experts of their own lives
  • We individualize care and help clients set goals in a non-judgmental and non-coercive manner
  • We strive to be affirming and inclusive
  • We offer evidence-based programs supported by clinical research, including medication-assisted treatment

Download our referral forms below:

Substance Use Treatment Internal Referral Form
Substance Use Treatment External Referral Form


Treatment Services

Thresholds provides Outpatient and Intensive Outpatient Services that are supported by strong research evidence and provide individuals with the option to stay engaged with their families and professions.

Thresholds provides integrated treatment using evidence-supported practices, including and medication-assisted treatment.

All clients initially participate in an admission assessment to determine their level of care and treatment needs. A treatment plan is collaboratively developed and tailored to meet each individual’s situation and treatment preferences.

Thresholds offers an array of group and individual counseling services, including therapy, recovery coaching, case management, family/couples counseling, and medication-assisted treatment. The type, frequency, and duration of services is based on individual needs and preferences. DUI services are also available, including updated evaluation, counseling, treatment, and education.

Staff will review the service fee schedule prior to the beginning of intake into treatment services. Staff will need full insurance information in order to provide the most accurate estimate of fees due, if any.

Most treatment services are covered by Medicaid, Medicare, or private insurance. Discounted fees are available for clients who qualify. We accept all clients regardless of ability to pay.

Outpatient Services may be entered directly after the admission assessment for individuals who require and/or prefer less intensive services; or as a “step-down,” following completion of Intensive Outpatient Services. Clients can access the array of services listed above from 0.5 to 8.5 hours each week.

Intensive Outpatient Services includes the array of services listed above for at least 9 hours each week. Clients will typically engage in Intensive Outpatient for 2-8 weeks before “stepping-down” to outpatient services.

Where the admission assessment indicates a need for a level of care that is not offered by Thresholds, an appropriate referral will be made.


Our Approach

Our community-based services help people access recovery services while continuing to live in their communities, so that they can effectively address the challenges they face in their immediate life situations.

Thresholds recognizes that individuals are unique in terms of their needs, preferences, and readiness to change. This requires a person-centered approach where diversity and autonomy are respected. We ultimately seek to partner with each client in their personal path towards a more fulfilling life.

Thresholds understands those it serves are whole persons. Substance use problems do not occur and should not be treated in isolation, but rather as part of a holistic range of bio-psychosocial concerns:

  • The biological realm includes the behavioral aspects of physical health, including exercise, diet, sleep, and relaxation. Primary biological approaches also include addiction medicines to reduce cravings and psychiatric medications to address co-occurring mental disorders.
  • The psychological realm includes motivation enhancement, skill building (such as stress-management, impulse delay, drug refusal, and mindfulness for craving-management), and relapse prevention planning. Co-occurring mental health issues are treated conjointly with substance use problems, as integrated treatment yields the best and most sustaining results.
  • The social realm includes family, friends, co-workers, and others in the person’s interpersonal sphere, all of whom help to comprise the recovery environment. Thresholds engages these significant others, when appropriate, through family counseling and education. Access to mutual aid resources, such as SMART Recovery and twelve-step programs, are provided to help the person strengthen their recovery environment. Thresholds is also aware of how one’s virtual environment can be an important aspect of recovery, and seeks to work with each person on how social media and online recovery resources impact their recovery. Thresholds offers free download of a recovery oriented app to enhance clients’ virtual recovery environment.

Download our info sheets:

Thresholds Substance Use Treatment
Thresholds Substance Use Treatment Philosophy

Our Staff Commitments

Thresholds’ Substance Use Treatment Program is located at 115 N Parkside Ave, Chicago, IL 60644. You can get more information by calling our office at (773) 537-3219 or our toll-free number 1 (888) 828-5709.